
Love,where two hearts of opposite sex is combined and bind into one.Marriage,where the love of two hearts,are witnessed and accepted by others.On 16 October 2010,is a big day for my second brother,Abdul Hadi.And a whole family is really2 busy and happy doing their jobs,err,but actually we just eat and chatting cuz the caterer does all the jobs.hehe.So its not really tiring since we don’t do the cook.Just busy welcoming our guests.

Food for uncle,auntie and cousins for a while
So while waiting for the whole big family to come,I just stay in my room and playing gitar..slowly..shhh,huhu.
Ok 2 hours later everyone is here and it is really happening.Yeah!We didn’t do much thing in the first day.Just cooking for the entire family.The real day is tomorrow,Saturday I think.The tents are up high,the tables are all set and beautifully decorated.

Dining place for guests

The bride stage

Bride dining table

Special guests dining table

Guest receptionist

The DJ
So everythink is set and now we’re waiting for the guest and to wlcome them.I think I don’t have the pics of the guests.But really,there’s a lot of guests but my friends didn’t come.huu.sad sad.ahak.

Eh?I do have their pics,hehe
Ya and now I want to introduce to you the pic of me with my mak ngah.She is like my mother since my mother died 3 years ago.I love her just like I love my late mom. T_T

Me and my Mak Ngah
She’s crying when we snap picture together cause she said she misses her sister,or my late mom.And it makes me wanna cry too.She looks just like my late mom.Her dress,her head scarf.And she’s good in cooking.
So,the wedding end at 4pm and the guests are no longer here.But,Kak Mimah’s family still here to get to know us more.And her sister sing a song for the bride