Monday, February 28, 2011

No Fame Is Lame?


Famous,Popularity,Admired,Idol….These four values,are always desired from most of us.But do we really need all these things?I think of coz not.

Sebenarnye kite ni terikot2 kan selebriti yg ad kat dalam dunia ni.Kita selalu tnampak dorg dalam tv,dgr dalam radio n bce dlm paper.So scare tak lgsung kte observe cara hidup dorg.Kite msti la slalu tgk selebriti2 luar negara.Care hdup dorg semestinye lah mewah2 n sgt terkenal di serata dunia.Kita yg memerhatikn ni,secara tak langsung dah alami sesuatu yg boleh dipanggil hypnosis.And kte pown trikot2 nk jd mewah n popular cm dowg.Lambat laun,dri sbenar kte hilang.N kte smakin mnjadi mereka.


Are you really shiny with blings that you wear?Your true shine is within you,not outside.


Ap yg ak nk smpaikn ni actually,tak salah nak jd mewah or kaye.Tp,bia dgn care trsndri n bkn sbb nk tiru selebriti2 yg niat dorg hanye nak showoff and puas ble da jd terkenal.Cube fikir,ble da terkenal,whats next?Nothing.

Ok,skrg jum kte tgk event sebegini yg terdapat kat dalam Malaysia.Contoh yg senang adlah dkt SEKOLAH.Skrg,mostly bdak2 sekolah yg dtg kat skolah,bkn ntok blaja tp niat yg len n depend pde jantina secare general.


Ak tulis sume ni bdasarkn pemerhatian and interview bbrape org.Bkn men hentam jew.Dtg sekolah,make up tebal2 n pkai wangian kuat2,n duk dlm skola fikir strategy mcm mne nk bg org ske die n cne nk popular kat dlm skolah.Homework tak buat,dalam kelas tak fokus and exam pown hancur.Tp lgsung tak peduli.Padahal parents bg duit n byar yuran ntok belajar,bkn jd selebrity pasar dkat sekolah.And ble ad boy yg howt2,mle kn la langkah nk pikat,coz dlm aty fkir “Eh,klu ak dpt mamat ni,famous ak sbb ak dpat tackle diew.”So ble bjaye,mle la bgge meninggi and hepi.Ble ad pesaing,mula la rase tercabar,and cari gaduh.Kononnya pertahankn hak dan maruah.Hak ape?Maruah pew?Ble korg gado,korg da calarkn maruah sendiri,tp korg bkn kisah pown.

          girl fight

Sesetengah sekolah kat Malaysia ni,ad pasukan cheerleaders and pasukan ragbi.Kat dalam movie2 oversea,da biasa la kan,quarterback couple dgn ktua psukan cheerleaders.N tadaaa,kat skolah2 dalam Malaysia ni pown,bdak2 tiru cm2.Quarterback kpel dgn captain cheerleaders.MANE IDENTITY KTE??Life is about creating yourself,not copying others ok.


Ni lg satu hal.Datang skola pown bkn ntok blaja.Juz nk cari gado dgn guy len,and tgk sape yg kuat n yg pgang skul 2.Niat nye ntok mndapat popularity and supaye org len hormat (hormat kew??Ptuih!).

Dlm kes yg len,stgah org len sbuk stdy ntok exam,sstgah laki lbih prefer mengemis mtk kapel n cari gf supaye rase sng haty n supaye die rase die 2 famous n terbaik dkalangan org len.Bg die,xd gf means loser.Is it??Stupid right.Pdhal tak fkir stdy tgah corrupt and mse dpan un xtw cne lg.Don’t choose to be a loser.


Kalau si laki2 stdy un xkmane,tambahan lg pemalaz,tak komited and juz twu nk enjoy jew,nt da kwin jd cani:


So come on la guys,stop kejar fame,popularity and sewaktu dgnnye.Lets create ourselves,create our own identity and not showing off.Stop being so arrogant and proud of yourselves.Keep it minimum.

That’s all~~

Friday, February 25, 2011

~Hate You Both~



Yup,dats it.Refering to this tittle,u know that in my life I hate both these person.N of coz I will not mention their name bcoz it makes me SICK!!!


Actually,they used to be my bestfriends.But now,the bond is broken,and im really dissapointed to them.I love them so much,but I didn’t think their attitude are like this ****!You see,I hate them for some reasons,I will never do something without reason.They are both used to be a couple during highschool.N now I realise,they are suit together bcuz they are both really2 make me sick.

The first person(The Girl):

Should I story her background?Of coz not.I will still take care your dignity buddy.This blog is directly for YOU .You know,I thought you will be my frenz forever.You are always with me,always call my phone at night,texting me and watever.Thankx for that.You know how I care you so DAMN MUCH as frenz.And I willingly to do anything for you my fren.So one day,something came across my mind,Im really pity of you bcuz you don’t have boyfriend and I don’t want you to be lonely.So I introduce you to my roommate whose name is ******,and we called him ****.I hate him too really.So im glad dat u have someone to talk besides me.But when you declared with him as couple,u didn’t tell me,u juz keep your fucking mouth shut!And one day when I text you,to ask you whether you are good or not,hows life and so on,remember what did you reply?Oh you don’t?You give me this—>(“Razak,jgn contact sy lg da”).And I was like,puzzle a moment.I was very dissapointed and angry to you.When I ask you why?You say (“Ala razak,sy takot la nt bf sy tawu,nt die jelez,die x bg contact razak lg.”).Is this wat friend do??!!Well thanks for this gift “FREN”!

The Second Person(The Boy):

We are juz like brothers you know,we used to be.When people hate you,I juz ignore them bcuz I know you well.But I did’nt expect you will betray me.Im your fren!!Why you do this!!The story begins when you are trying to flirt with MY OWN GIRLFRIEND!!I believe you still contact her till now.And you say bad things about me to her.You say that Im not honest with her at my campus.A lot of things you say to everyone.Why!!?Are you so desperate to have a girlfriend and to fill your lust gauge?You always not satisfy with me.Did I do something bad to you?!Well thanks for this gift “FREN”!

Sunday, February 20, 2011



20-Feb-2010: Sunday~~

Fuhh,so tak sangka aku akan menghabiskan juge asasi UIA pj.Hrap2 xdela kne repeat ape2 paper.Ya Allah,moga2 ak lulus dalam peperiksaan aku,Amiin~.Ble abz je asasi ni,ak akn menghadapi cuti yg sgt panjang=6 BULAN.So,kne la plan smtink ntok fit kn mse 6 bulan 2 dengan sumtink yg bfaedah n mmbawa keuntungan kat aku,so ak plan nk keje n dpt duit ntok prepare kat degree UIA Gombak nanti.N pd jangke mse 2 jgk ak akn cbe buat mcm2 bnde yg aku nk bwat: Blaja msak,practice parkour,practice gitar,bli keyboard myb,huhu.Yup,dats it ^_^
