Friday, December 31, 2010

   ~THE END OF 2010~

2010..How should I describe this year?Tahun yang mencabar.Hanya aku jew yg tawu kenape,n bia la mnjadi rhsia.Well,we need to let go our pass to have a future dude.Aku berazam 2011 ni aku akan menjadi lebih matang n lebih success dari sebelum2 nyeww.

Tapi entahlah,2010 ni cm xd bnde sgt yg trjadi,sume nyew cam bese,berulang2,nothing special.


Juz ad bbrape yg special yg skali lg,RAHSIA.Well,dalam hdup mmg biasa ad gagal n ade berjaya.AK rse,tu la kot tema 2010 aku.Honestly,ak juz a plain loser in everything since dlu lg.Bab belajar,parkour,guitar.Sume!But,commitment amat la pnting ntok mgubah atau ntuk mndapatkn sumtink yg kte nk.Lets say kte nk pndai n top dlm class,kte berangan pade mlenyew,x kisah nak berangan.Tp make sure ad 3 bnde ni,usaha,komitmen,istiqamah.Jgn berangan jew,tp xd usaha.pas2 ble xdpat,nk mengamuk tetak2 org,huhu.So tu la serba sedikit psal kehidupan.Ad yg kate life is about making choice,ad yg kate,life is about taking risk,ad yg kate,life is about finding yourself.Tp bg aku,life is EVERYTHING and all is true.So,kte btol2 di ambang 2011,make your life yours!



Thursday, December 30, 2010


  • Have 6 packs
  • Can do more than 10 types of flips
  • Do flips combo-6 Chains
  • 8 punches in 2 seconds(one hand)
  • Perform freerun show in front of public
  • Do charity for needy
  • Have engineering degree
  • Take picture with dad at engineering graduating ceremony for degree
  • Have Phd
  • Learn to play guitar
  • Learn to play keyboard
  • Play “Requiem for a dream” using keyboard
  • Have a good job with high salary above RM8000
  • Treat my family at any good restaurant
  • Hack any electronic device
  • Learn to cook at least 4 dishes
  • Make a song
  • Invent something useful
  • Learn archery
  • Freerun with 3runMY
  • Die while saving someone that hates,annoyed and ignore me

-Well,some people will think that these are stupid but if we have commitment and determination,we can achieve anything.These are all the things that I really wanna do before I die to improve myself.


Saturday, November 27, 2010



(Salbiah Bt Hj Jaafar)

Love Kingdom

One queen,One king,

One princess,Five knights,

Death of queen,a lonely king,

Sorrow seen,day and night,

A song we must sing,

A song for your night,

Sadness must you fight,

The queen is right,

Our bond are so tight,

No matter how hard,

We’ll never be apart..

mak                              ~In memory of my mom(1956-2007)

Mak,ajak mintak maaf,ajak bukan anak yang baik,ajak mintak maaf sebab banyak kecewakan mak sekeluarga.Tapi satu janji ajak pada mak,ajak akan berubah.Ajak akan jadi orang yang berguna macam apa yang mak n sekeluarga nak.





Andai aku seperti yang kau mahu,Kau pasti bahagia dengan ku,Tapi ku tidak mampu..

Andai aku bersungguh,dan Kau juga bersungguh,Kita pasti bahagia,Tapi kau tidak mampu..

Andai Ku kan selalu bersamamu,Kau pasti tidak akan melupakanku,Tapi ku tidak mampu..

Andai aku bisa memberi kau hadiah hari jadi,kau pasti terkenang sampai bila2,Tapi aku tidak mampu..

Andai kita bisa melakukan segalanya bersama,Kau pasti akan selalu teringat kenangan bersama,Tapi aku tidak mampu..


Andai aku adalah bekas kekasih mu itu,pasti aku adalah insan yg paling bahagia dalam setiap hari ku,Tapi itu bukan aku..

Kerana aku tidak mampu….



Tapi aku sayangkan kamu…

-From the bottom of my heart- (

-Aku memang tidak mampu……..-

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Abang Hadi and Kak Mimah’s



Love,where two hearts of opposite sex is combined and bind into one.Marriage,where the love of two hearts,are witnessed and accepted by others.On 16 October 2010,is a big day for my second brother,Abdul Hadi.And a whole family is really2 busy and happy doing their jobs,err,but actually we just eat and chatting cuz the caterer does all the jobs.hehe.So its not really tiring since we don’t do the cook.Just busy welcoming our guests.


Food for uncle,auntie and cousins for a while

So while waiting for the whole big family to come,I just stay in my room and playing gitar..slowly..shhh,huhu.

Ok 2 hours later everyone is here and it is really happening.Yeah!We didn’t do much thing in the first day.Just cooking for the entire family.The real day is tomorrow,Saturday I think.The tents are up high,the tables are all set and beautifully decorated.


Dining place for guests


The bride stage


Bride dining table


Special guests dining table


Guest receptionist


The DJ

So everythink is set and now we’re waiting for the guest and to wlcome them.I think I don’t have the pics of the guests.But really,there’s a lot of guests but my friends didn’t come.huu.sad sad.ahak.






Eh?I do have their pics,hehe

Ya and now I want to introduce to you the pic of me with my mak ngah.She is like my mother since my mother died 3 years ago.I love her just like I love my late mom. T_T


Me and my Mak Ngah

She’s crying when we snap picture together cause she said she misses her sister,or my late mom.And it makes me wanna cry too.She looks just like my late mom.Her dress,her head scarf.And she’s good in cooking.

So,the wedding end at 4pm and the guests are no longer here.But,Kak Mimah’s family still here to get to know us more.And her sister sing a song for the bride

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

A crazy Night At the end of sem 3..


Living at UIA is sometimes can be frustrating cause of the laws there.*sigh* So,every end of semester,me,afiq and adib will go to cherish ourselves.Yup,karaoke is our all time activity at greenbox a bit expensive though T_T. But I think its really worth it bcuz they have free refill,supper and snacks.Unlimited!!


                           Drink till you drop,sing don’t stop

DSC00282                           Adib and afiq my crazy buddies    

Well,I didn’t snap lots of pics when singing cause too ‘busy’.huhuhu.

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Outside greenbox

Best video ever,hehe

I hope there will be another crazy night with you guys,yeah!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A poem for those that i used to love,yes,you three..

The sudden blow
Three pillars stand in front,
Once my strength,now they're gone,
Forgotten deeds,thrown behind,
Gift i dont need,nor compliment,
Just a bit of commitment,
Blindness of hope,
More trust,more trechery,
More love,more agony,
Three pillars stand in front,
Now they're gone,
And now i'm done...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alahai cuti ku..

Adehh,cti sem tggal sminggu jew lg.Dlm 3 mggu ak cti ni,ak xtw ak watpew.jap2 bia ak igt balik,hmm,tdo,mkn,tenet,lguu,parkour,freerun,2 je la kot.nk kua tp xdew duit agak excited la nk nek sem ni.Ak hrap,ak dpat pulun hbis2an sem ni.Amiin.Amik 5 subjek sem dpan nt.No tyme for main2,no tyme for gf2.ha?x pcayew?skati korg la.huhu.Xtw nk ckp pe lg,weee~~

Lets talk about me first can we?

well,name yg dsandang adlah abdul razak b. abdul jalal, lahir tahun 1991 .ak sbnrnye bwu je start blogging ni.saje nk cbew2,huhu.tgk mcm best so ak try.lg un mmg bnyk bndew yg ak nk share kat korg.mostly psal interest,dnia,khidupan and apew2 jew ak x ksah asklkn sume 2 best2 belaka.ak akn cbew update blog ak ni slalu and akn cbew bg blog ak ni sesronok yg mgkin.huhu,so tggu je lawhh okeyhh.dattebayoo!!!!