Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alahai cuti ku..

Adehh,cti sem tggal sminggu jew lg.Dlm 3 mggu ak cti ni,ak xtw ak watpew.jap2 bia ak igt balik,hmm,tdo,mkn,tenet,lguu,parkour,freerun,2 je la kot.nk kua tp xdew duit plak.tp agak excited la nk nek sem ni.Ak hrap,ak dpat pulun hbis2an sem ni.Amiin.Amik 5 subjek sem dpan nt.No tyme for main2,no tyme for gf2.ha?x pcayew?skati korg la.huhu.Xtw nk ckp pe lg,weee~~

Lets talk about me first can we?

well,name yg dsandang adlah abdul razak b. abdul jalal, lahir tahun 1991 .ak sbnrnye bwu je start blogging ni.saje nk cbew2,huhu.tgk mcm best so ak try.lg un mmg bnyk bndew yg ak nk share kat korg.mostly psal interest,dnia,khidupan and apew2 jew ak x ksah asklkn sume 2 best2 belaka.ak akn cbew update blog ak ni slalu and akn cbew bg blog ak ni sesronok yg mgkin.huhu,so tggu je lawhh okeyhh.dattebayoo!!!!