Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The New you


When all hope seems fade,
And all left is just hate,
When the blame pointed to fate,
And all you can do is just wait,

But faded hope might you bloom,
And bury hate in his tomb,
Blaming fate is for fool,
Only time will heal your wound,

When all efforts seems useless,
And all dreams just shatters,
When sadness comes like river,
And you dont have place for shelter,

Efforts is just like a hoe,
Shiny things'll appear even the pace seems slow,
Sadness might makes you a little low,
But make it a strength to make you a hero,

When there's no hand for you to catch,
And you're hanging alone on the edge,
When you feel like jumping from the ledge,
And everyone pretends there are over the hedge,

Not all hands are there for you,
You might be alone because its about you,
Rise up because your hands are two,
And look up to the sun and this is a new you.

Poem by:Abdul Razak b Abdul Jalal (black cloud)



“A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.”
-Ayn Rand-

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wake up girls..


Well hello kawan2 semua,lame jugak la aku x update blog ni,so mlm ni ak decide nk update.Lg pun ak tgah cuti sem skg ni so bnyk la mase free la jawabnye.Mlm ni ak ad topik yg bez la kot,attention k.

Sejak kebelakangan ni aku banyak buat observation dkt kwan2 ak,mostly ppuan,slain observation,dorg sndri yg dtg mengadu.Ap yg dimengadu kan tu?Bese lah,masalah dgn bf.Skrg ni ak bkn nk bercakap ap yg ak nasihatkn dorg.

Macam biasa lah,kalau kes dgn bf ni,mesti la kes bf dorg curang,tak layan dgn bek n so on.Then yg si perempuan pun mesti la rase sedih,maka terciptalah status2 yg menyakitkn mate kat fb 2.Mule la mencarot2 bagai n kutuk2 laki plak.Bagi aku dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan,die akan terbahagi pada due,yg berfikiran jauh dan yg berfikiran pendek.Kali ni aku nk highlight kan dekat perempuan je sb ak nk try bukak minda korg ni.

Mostly aku tgk ppuan skg,bru je kenal 3 hari or smggu ke,pas2 kne pikat skit trus cair n kapel.Don’t make urself too CHEAP and easy to own.Senang sgt cair dgn mlot2 yg manis berbunga ayatnye.Then ble da 3 bulan kapel,laki tu pun da dpt ap yg die nak(paham2 la kn ) ,laki tu pun akan start ignore korg,juz layan ble ad mood je.Tapi yg ppuan plak slalu bharap yg bf die akn brubah blik jd mcm yg dlu.

Come on girls,jgn tpengaruh dgn cte KOREA korg tu.itu cerita,yg hero tu pelakon,and they just ACT and PRETEND.Ni dunia realiti,xkn jd mcm dlm drama korea korg tu.Wake up please!!Wake up!!Buat keputusan guna otak,bukan ikot hati dude.

Couple bukan segale2 nye,nk develop hati yg btol2 tulus,ambil mase jgk,bkn dgn hanye pkenalan di facebook yg hanye beberape hari,cinta akan berputik daripada satu titik pertemuan,kemudian berubah menjadi kawan baik,kemudian kemungkinan timbul hati yg btol2 tulus,don’t rust things,life is too short for stupid things.